Scroll to view exhibition images followed by process.
Butterscotch Madonna
monotype with text
24 x 22 inches
The expression of Christianity in South Italy (Magna Graecia) is Byzantine, not Roman.
Pranayama Madonna
Monotype, mixed media and text
24 x 22 inches
The Byzantine Breath Prayer: confession on the exhale; acceptance of forgiveness on the inhale.
Internet Madonna
Monotype, mixed media and text
24 x 22 inches
A mother’s worries about how much time her son is spending on the internet. "Is he doing his homework?”
(detail) Internet Madonna
Monotype, mixed media and text
24 x 22 inches
The son announces he has over a 2.1 billion followers and uses the hashtags #awesome and #love.
Saint Barbara
Monotype, mixed media and text
24 x 22 inches
Her elaborate earrings and jewelry indicate she came from a wealthy family.
Trifecta (#13, #14, #15)
Painted plaster sculpture
Saint Barbara Blue
Monotype, mixed media and text
24 x 22 inches
Probably Saint Bernard
monotype with mixed media and text
24 x 22 inches
Talisman #2
Painted plaster sculpture
Byzantine Cats: Moshe and Maria
Painted cartapesta sculptures
20 x 5 x x15 inches each
Cats wearing slippers can't climb the Tree of Life.
Gallery View
February 2020
Transporting fragments oif antiquity from the past to wherever the viewer might be standing --in this case, a gallery--is the action in the story of my Christian Icons.
Process images
Cupola, Church of Santa Maria della Croce
In the center of the exquisite starry vault is a cross made of gold tiles. I often use this clean color scheme when printing and painting.
(Church of Santa Maria della Croce boasts very ancient origins and probably dates back to the 5th-6th century.)